Frequently Asked Questions

Do you verify the lenders and providers featured on this site?

LENDVER is an educational and informational site for business owners and investment property loan seekers. We have performed detailed research on the lenders and providers featured on our site. However, the information we provide is general in nature and is not specific to you or your business. We are not acting as licensed professionals, making any verification of the lenders or providers listed on our site or guaranteeing the availability of financing, programs or services, or accuracy or completeness of the information we provide. We recommend you consult your licensed professionals, tax advisors, and legal counsel before making any financial or legal decision that may affect you or your business.

Although we do our best to regularly update the information available on our website, from time-to-time it may be outdated or not align with the information listed on a lender’s or provider’s site. Additionally, the company names, logos, trademarks, copyrights, and images used or referenced on our site belong to their respective owners. The information we provide is not on behalf of, in representation of, or as an agent of those lenders and providers featured on our site. For the most up-to-date information and additional information please directly contact the lenders and providers listed on our site and review our terms and conditions and privacy policy.

How do you support this site?

How a visitor to our site interacts with the links, reviews, and articles pertaining to the lenders and providers featured on our site may result in a fee paid to us by that company. Our website is free to use and does not create any fee obligation from you to us under any circumstance. Even if you obtain financing or services from one of the lenders or providers featured on our site you will never owe us a fee, and we may not receive a fee from that lender or provider.

The lenders and providers featured on our site are chosen based on merit and because we believe they are the best. Our site is user-friendly and free of disruptive pop-up ads.

I have a question about a lender or provider, who do I contact?

Since we are a business independent from those lenders and providers featured on our site, we are not empowered to deal with customer service issues on behalf of them. Please address any questions or complaints directly with the lender or provider. You are welcome to send feedback about one of the lenders or providers featured on our site to support@lendver.com and we will take it into consideration when making future recommendations.

Why aren’t there more lenders and providers on your site?

We are extremely selective about the lenders and providers we choose to list on our site and are highly focused on recommending quality over quantity. Our lender and provider review, research, and selection process is extensive, and we are committed to only featuring the absolute best firms.

Are you a lender or a broker?

No. LENDVER is not a lender or broker so we cannot assist you directly in obtaining financing. The financing that is featured on this website and linked websites is being provided by third-party lenders and financing providers. Please carefully read our terms & conditions and privacy policy, and consult your licensed professionals before applying for, or proceeding with any financing or services featured on this site.

How do I get my company featured on your site?

There is no cost for lenders or providers to be listed on our website. However, we conduct an extensive research and review process for each of the firms we feature. We only consider direct lenders or innovative companies that offer unique programs or services, provide exemplary customer service, and ideally incorporate technology and automation into their business processes. We are not considering mortgage or loan brokers for placement on our site at this time; and are presently only entertaining firms focusing on business and real estate financing, and business services. If you feel your firm meets the above criteria please contact support@lendver.com for more information.